Why Are Business IT Assessments Important for Your Tucson Business?

We get it – everyone is busy.  Taking the time to coordinate an information technology assessment of your business is not on your to-do list.  But it should be!  This is no different than your routine medical checkups for your health.  In this case, the health of your business can affect dozens of employees as well!  If you own a business in the Greater Tucson or Phoenix Area, we implore you to regularly get a check-up from a professional IT MSP like Integrated Axis.


The first major reason why this may be important is security.  The measure by which your company is vulnerable to cyber threats, attacks, ransomware, and other potential issues can directly affect your profitability.  Outside forces are constantly attacking resources and assets.  Everything from your local network, computer vulnerabilities, server resources and the way your employees access company resources are scrutinized.  Our goal is simple: make it much more difficult for attacks to become successful, and those that do have no power to inconvenience or cost your company money.


How well is your organization running?  Are there technologies that are available today that can dramatically reduce some of the mundane tasks your staff is doing daily?  Are there improvements to work-flow that you are simply not aware of?  That’s why we take the time to get to know your business and how it functions based on your infrastructure and client needs.  We can recommend technology and process improvements that can give your teams more time to revenue generating tasks revolving around customer service, sales, and adding value.


There are numerous examples of utilizing technology to reduce outdated and expensive solutions.  These might include companies that continue to use fax lines, or traditional phone systems.  By simply moving to a VoIP solution with online faxing capabilities, you could immediately begin saving thousands annually.  This doesn’t even go into the time savings that comes with process improvements that we help local businesses with regularly.

If these are things that you value as a business, we invite you to sign up for a completely free assessment today!