Understanding Compliance Standards Including HIPPA, NIST, and CMMC

Compliance standards are some of the most important things a business needs to maintain to be profitable and well-respected while staying out of legal trouble. Failure to meet these standards will make your business susceptible to fines and legal action. You’ll also take a hit on your reputation as customers, vendors and competitors may find […]

Improve Your Cyber Security Awareness

If you’ve turned on the news sometime during the past few years, you’ve probably heard of more than one instance where a business closed due to a cyber-attack. You may think your business is small enough and hackers won’t target you, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Every business is at risk of […]

Streamline Your Business and Cut Costs with Co-Managed IT

IT services are necessary for every business in the country – IT companies help businesses protect their data, ensure day-to-day operations run smoothly, increase productivity across the board and keep up-to-date with the latest technology trends and updates. Without IT services, your business can fall prey to hackers and cybercriminals bent on stealing your company’s […]

FREE Executive Webinar: Financing Your Organization’s I.T.

Quinlan WardAccount ManagerConnected Technologies Group Webinar Details: Start Time: Thursday, October 5th at 10:00 am Arizona Time During This Webinar You’ll Discover: Our speaker Quinlan Ward, Account Manager at Connected Technologies Group introduces GreatAmerica; a 30-year-old, privately held, and family-owned equipment finance company. GreatAmerica works together with Integrated Axis to create equipment financing programs that allow […]

Home Cyber Hygiene

IT Compliance Control Tucson & Phoenix AZ

Protecting your home from cyber threats is becoming increasingly important as more of our devices become connected to the internet. Here are some steps you can take to improve the cyber security of your home: Secure your Wi-Fi network: Ensure that your Wi-Fi network is secure by using a strong password, changing the default network […]

Have a Business in Tucson? Upgrade Your Network!

If you own or operate a business, you’ve probably adapted to a number of changes over the years. As you inch closer to year-end, it’s time to figure out what still needs to be done. One of those potential changes might be an upgrade to your network infrastructure. When you look at making updates or […]

Tech Tips To Maximize Student Learning

Back-to-school season has finally arrived, and it won’t be long before our kids are back in the classroom, learning all sorts of different subjects. Although it’s an exciting time for our kids, this transition back to school is often difficult. Many of them enjoy summer more than any other time of year because they get […]

Why is Network Security Important?

Network security is crucial for businesses of all sizes. It is the practice of protecting the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of a company’s data and networks. Without proper network security measures in place, a business is at risk of cyber attacks that can compromise sensitive information, disrupt operations, and damage the company’s reputation. One of […]

What Do Professional IT Management Providers Actually Do?

Data Recovery Tucson & Phoenix AZ

Managed information technology (IT) companies offer a range of services to help businesses manage and maintain their IT systems. Here are a few examples of what a managed IT company might do: Network and infrastructure support: This can include tasks such as setting up and maintaining servers, networking equipment, and other infrastructure. Help desk support: […]

Cyber Security Pro Tip: Remembering Passwords

Remembering dozens of complicated passwords is a GIANT pain, which is why people have bad password “habits” – the primary habit is reusing passwords or creating simple, easy-to-remember passwords (like “letmein123”).  Even if your reused passwords are minor variations of your original password, like adding an exclamation point, these are incredibly easy to guess by […]