Emails can pose a significant threat to your company’s cybersecurity. Data from previous hacking incidents often reveals that the initial contact was made through email. In fact, the Cyber Security Breaches Survey of 2018 shows that fraudulent emails were cited in 75% of all attacks. That’s a massive number. If you want to lessen your company’s vulnerability, the first step is to make sure that all of your email accounts are secure.
Why Email Security Is Important in Tucson
Hackers who seek to infiltrate specific companies often target individuals who work for the company itself. Yet these carefully executed attacks are still only one reason that you need to be concerned about the security measures you take with your email. There are also many phishing attacks that aren’t targeted at specific people, but can compromise your company’s cybersecurity just the same.
Email threats are two-fold. Some attacks explicitly seek to get the recipient to download malware, go to an infected site, or trick recipients into giving away sensitive information. The second kind of attack relies on intercepting emails. This type of attack is targeted, involving hackers who need to be in the vicinity of your internet connection, therefore gaining access. In other words, this secondary type of attack is less common for most companies, but still dangerously prevalent.
However, simple best practices can help you protect your email accounts from hacking and other cybersecurity threats.
Best Practices for Email Security for Your Company
Emails are a necessary tool for many of your business communications. When you follow best practices, you minimize the risks of a breach within your company. It’s crucial that every member of your staff maintains the same high standards.
Here are a few best practice protocols your staff should use at all times.
- Never Use Open or Public Networks. It’s essential only to use secured networks. Open networks can allow outside actors to gain access to your device, read sensitive information, and use that information to create a more sophisticated attack.
- Always Use Best Practices for Password Protection. Passwords are an essential security measure to guard your device and accounts. But too many people leave phones, iPads, and computer terminals open rather than punching in their password each time they use the device. Passwords should be used at all times, and they should not be shared among different accounts.
- Always Update Your Software. Software updates are important because they often include patches to known vulnerabilities.
- Use Common Sense with Email. Most phishing emails are easy to spot, but there are some today that are still relatively convincing. The best method to stay safe from these threats is to use common sense. Never click on links, don’t download files if you weren’t expecting documents from a set person, and when in doubt, call the person or company to verify the email.
Are You Looking for Cyber Security Help in the Phoenix Area?
If you’re concerned about how well your company is equipped to deal with cybersecurity threats, contact Integrated Axis today. Our dedicated team of experienced technicians can asses your current protocols, and of course work with you to help you maintain the best practices to stay ahead of any potential risks.